About Snug
The SNubber Users Group (SNUG) is an industry organization that serves nuclear power facilities in areas of interest pertaining to the utilization of dynamic restraint devices commonly referred to as “snubbers”. These devices (also referred to as “shock suppressors”) are designed to limit the dynamic response of the supported pipe and equipment without unduly restraining normal motion due to operational temperature changes.
Our Prime Purpose
SNUG was organized to improve the reliability and cost effectiveness of snubber programs across the industry by promoting consistent and informed approaches to program implementation. This goal is reflected in the SNUG Mission Statement. To accomplish this mission, SNUG utilizes a variety of methods to coordinate the efforts and resources of member plants as well as those of manufacturing and service vendors.
The primary tools for sharing information are the two conferences offered each year, generally known as the winter and summer conferences. Two conferences are held in response to concerns regarding scheduling conflicts with plant outages. By offering two opportunities, most members can attend at least one conference each year and remain abreast of current issues. In addition, history has shown that resolution of concerns and issues is more successful when those involved can meet face to face on more than an annual basis.
The two conferences also offer different information and serve somewhat different needs with regard to the mission of SNUG. The Winter Conferences are held in a virtual format and their primary focus is on sharing information about the successes of the fall outage season of the previous year and to share any issues that may have arisen so that others may learn from lessons learned while working through those issues. The winter conferences are typically one day or less and do not include vendor participation.
The Summer Conferences and Trade Shows allow for involvement on the part of vendors. Display areas are provided, and vendors are allowed to discuss and showcase their products and services. The main conference sessions are typically geared towards general discussion and question and answer sessions. In addition, presentations by both vendors and utilities on recent issues or topics provide information on the latest technological advances available or methodology that has been used successfully in the past in solving issues related to snubbers. If there is a topic that requires greater attention, a working group will generally be formed to work through the issue and may meet separately in a breakout session to provide a concentrated effort to resolve the issue. Training seminars are also provided on various topics and maintenance and work planning breakout sessions are also provided so that personnel in those job functions can meet separately from the engineering and technical work force.
In addition, the Summer Conference includes the annual business meeting of SNUG, Inc. where organizational and corporate responsibilities are addressed and fulfilled. SNUG is overseen by a Board of Directors, which elects an Executive Committee consisting of a President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The Directors are elected by the SNUG membership in accordance with the SNUG By-Laws and Policy Statements. The Directors, in turn, elect the Officers, who serve a one-year term, but may be re-elected the following year based on performance.
SNUG provides a website for its members that contains a forum section so that members can post questions on issues that arise at the facilities between conferences. Other members can reply to these postings and provide the questioning member with guidance so that they can continue to effectively maintain their program until the issue can be discussed face to face with their peers at the next conference.